Sunday, July 20, 2008

Veep Chat

Enter Jason:
So far, I'm not impressed with the list:

For Obama, Who's Being Vetted?
17 Jul 2008 05:01 pm

A simple exercise, based on public statements and some reporting.


Sen. Chris Dodd

Almost certainly being vetted (based on my and other's reporting)

Gov. Tim Kaine
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius
Sen. Evan Bayh


Sen. Chuck Hagel
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. Claire McCaskill
Ex-Sen. Sam Nunn
Ex-Sen. Tom Daschle
Ex-Sen. John Edwards

Not being vetted

Sen. Jack Reed
Sen. Joe Biden (yet)
Ex-Rep. Dick Gephardt
Sen. Jim Webb
Ex-Gen. Colin Powell

Patricia enters:
Dodd, I don't think will do much for the ticket although I like him and his voice a lot in the Senate. Isn't he from CT? What happens to his seat if he leaves? The gov. appoints? Is the gov. a Dem or Repub.? We can't afford to lose a Senate seat.

The Gov of CT is in fact a Repub. So, Dodd is out. Plus, he's got bad ties to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and Countrywide. Uh-oh. Not good!!!


NO WAY another woman would get it over Hill. Her supporters would be furious!

I'm beginning to think that there may be a chance for a woman. Maybe Sebelius or McCaskill. Both actually have more elected experience than Hill. And if Hill can signal her blessing, maybe her peeps would shut up? Although, I sincerely hope McBush picks Carly Fiorina. That would be AWESOME--for us!!!

If McShame picks her, he is truly has fewer brains than I think he's got. Should we call and write urging her nom.? I do NOT think O will pick any woman but Hill and please, not her!

Kaine is out; hell, he can't even get anything done in VA. Why would he be included? A firebrand. Yeah, Kaine is out.

Plus, I think he likes being Gov.

There have been a lot of problems with his ineffectiveness as gov. He is quite frustrated!

Bayh is an insincere Hill supporter. Bayh is BORING--read, Dan Quayle.

Where is Rendell?

He would be a horrible choice, because he always puts his foot in his mouth. Remember, back in February, I think, he is the one who said O would not do well in PA because of all the racists that live in his state, hahaha!

No, no, no to Daschle! Ineffective as Senate head.

Daschle will make a great Chief of Staff.

Edwards could not carry NC 4 yrs. ago. Why would O go with him? Nope, not him. NC's prob. sewed up with all the blacks, anyway. I think the Edwards of today is vastly improved from the Edwards of four years ago. And, I do think that his and O's message is exactly the same. The only problem is would an Edwards pick carry the baggage of the 2004 campaign? It may look like it.

I like Edwards, but I don't think he has a chance bec. of leftovers from 2004 and suggesting Kerry (ouch; becoming like Dukakis almost).
Nope to Powell (another minority; the racists would have a field day, and besides, yrs. ago, he refused to be vetted)

Powell will endorse O and that will be BIG enough.

Gephardt? Hhmmmmmm...good for location. But a "has-been'? A Washington type too much?

HAHAHAHAHA, yeah right. If he does, say goodbye. Gephardt is more boring than watching paint dry. And we used to work for him!!!

Is Nunn too old? I like him, but my No. 1 IS......THE COWBOY

Nunn is 69. Too old. Hagel . . . I still like him the most!!!

Oh, goody! That's two of us! And there was another posting to the NYT yesterday (after mine) saying Hagel would be a great choice!

Ring, ring, ring...there goes my telephone. It's likely Obama's team wanting my opinions on all the above. I'll just send this e-mail to The Team

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