Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Conjecture Is Reality

Turns out the hypothesis that a Hillary supporter, whom I believe is named Barbara Fields, who just happens to be on the speakers committee of the National Press Club, did indeed promote the appearance of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the Club this week.

Hhmmmmm, do you think it had anything to do with the primaries? With the nomination? Methinks I smell another rat in the midst! And there goes the National Press Club, splash!


charmedcitypolitico said...

You were right on the money on this way--as you are with most of your commentary!!!

But, of course this was a set up by the Shrill campaign. Don't forget that it was a supporter of hers at the San Fran fundraiser for O that leaked the tape of him saying "bitter" to the Huffington Post.

Her campaign has more spies than the freaking CIA!

DS said...

You nailed it there! It turns out to be true. And nothing but the truth! When do we know she's telling us the truth?

-asian dem