Monday, April 7, 2008

Letter from Senator Warner March 21, 2008

Alas, except for a few benign updates, Sen. Warner's reply to me about my letter decrying Halliburton's sewage showers our soldiers take in Iraq, is essentially nothing more than what Sen. Warner has been sending for approximately 18 months about all things Iraq which is a summary of his lukewarm opinions about our involvement there. He totally ignored the subject of my letter (in another post):
In January 2007, the President proposed a surge of approximately 35,000 troops....the Iraqi government has not done its part.

He writes it's time "to put teeth into these words" quoting U.S. Amb. Ryan Crocker: "There is 'no blank check' for American involvement in Iraq." (Oh, yeah?)

Then he lists his tenth trip to Iraq last August! Is this the same letter he was sending out then?

Although Senator Warner is dissatisfied with the long deployments our soldiers endure, "I believe we must remain mindful of the realities currently facing our military" so the heck with shortened leaves! The soldiers must stay so we'll be ready! Ready for what? For Buzh to invade Iran?

Sen. Webb's automated responses are all identical no matter what the subject. At least Warner sends his replies to my mailbox although, sadly, they are the same. Perhaps because he is retiring, his office perceives no need to respond individually.
I can't help but wonder: Are there any live bodies on Capitol Hill who actually represent the people rather than themselves? Pray tell, who?

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