Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Veep Talk

Jason speaks:

So far, I'm not really impressed with the list provided:


Although, one of the names floated is former Marine James Jones. He's been a staunch critic of our war and has the bona fides to back it up--he followed Wes Clark as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. He's an out-of-the-box candidate, but the others on the list are quite boring. Except for maybe Sen. Jim Webb of VA. I still think that he is the odds-on favorite.


Webb is too much a firebrand. Too hot. Plus he did not endorse O 'til he was on the stage wi. him last Wednesday. Who the hell is Jones? No, no. no. Makes no sense to choose an "unknown". They can turn out to be REALLY bad (Quayle, Eagle). Kaine would be much better than Webb. I love Hagel. Webb was formerly a Repub. PLUS at least 6-9 months ago in Demo. circles in N VA he was then being talked about (it has not ceased) being replaced since he's not been of "the line" and is such a poor constitutuent representative.


I think when you say that he was discussed among circles in N. VA you are speaking solely for yourself!!!


No, no, no: It came from D--- who has fingers in all the N. VA Democratic circles (and the DNC!). At the congressional "victory" party tonight I may hear more, but, unlikely, since Webb endorsed Leslie Byrne early (since she endorsed him early). Did you read that art. I sent you this a.m.? It pointed out that Webb only won VA by 9K votes and his "win" was largely due to Allen's gaffe which no one can dispute.

D----'s been talking about the ineffectiveness of Pelosi for months now, and who else???


I still like Webb, but he has his problems because of his past expressions of disdain for women in the military. The media would drive home the narrative that this would exacerbate O's female problems. And picking a military leader who doesn't appeal to women could also be a problem. He's got to look to reformer Dems. People who want to shake things up. What about Bob Kerrey? Well, except for the fact that endorsed Hill and said during one of her events that O's middle name was a good thing, which created a huge firestorm, he would be a good choice. Well, what about Clark? He endorsed Hill, so doesn't that mean he thinks that O wasn't as qualified to be prez? Same for Strickland of OH and Rendell of PA. To be honest, I can't really think of anyone who he could pick. Even Hagel would be a stretch because the activist base of the party--women's groups, labor unions, etc.--would be up in arms that he selected someone of the opposite party.


Oh, oh, oh!!!! And that letter Webb wrote saying women could never be military leaders or some such garbage. Thanks for reminding me more of why he is not one of my favs.

Bob Kerrey? Bob Kerrey? For starters, many (it is true) will confuse him with John Kerry and think he's running again. For more starters, his endorsement of Shrill as you say, and I had forgotten he used O's middle name negatively. NO NO NO TO HIM!!!!! Why bother? Was he injured in Vietnam? That helps. We need a rugged, big strong, hunka hunka sexa sexa man like the rugged cowboy I adore named, yes! Chuck Hagel!!!!!

Once they see him, they'll swoon. Maureen is now swooning. Hagel is deeply sincere (as opposed to "lightly") and a man of strong convictions.

I think Clark is too old. (Late 60S?) He just ain't got much enthusiasm about him, altho' my FL pal has been supportive of him for a very long time. I like Clark. If he could add some wt. and drink RedBull about 10x a day, he would pep up.

Strickland? Who's he? Do you think Richardson has a chance (yes)?

Oh, my new boyfriend, George Will, is promoting his latest tome at Politics+Prose next Mon. night. I am giving up the Bette Davis Free (Queen of Free) Film Fest. to go hear Georgie Porgie


Charlie said...

Chuck Hagel is awesome, and would be a very interesting pick for Obama's VP.

Picking him would certainly fit with the "change" theme.

Anonymous said...

I have always liked Wesley Clark. As a Rhodes Scholar, as well as a retired general, he can lay cliam to being both a philosopher-king and a guardian of the state. Plato would approve.

If Obama has any hope of carrying el;ectoral-vote rich Florida (where many Democrats are still pissed off at the party) then he should choose Senator Bill Nelson, who is wildly popular down here. Remember how he creamed Witch Harris in '06?

Also--don't count on Obama carrying Virginia. If I remember correcly, Webb won the Senate by only about 6,000 votes in '06 and the race factor could easily override that edge.