Sunday, August 17, 2008

Failure of Iraq Coverage in Washington Post

Letter sent to the Washington Post August 14, 2008

Dear Editor,

I hope you are able to correct my oversight and tell me where among the WASHINGTON POST pages today is a story about Iraq. I am unable to find one, even a short paragraph in your "Around the World" summaries.

With 140,000 of our troops stationed in Iraq and a soldier's death reported last night on Yahoo, surely the POST has not abandoned Iraq to carry a story (on the front page) about ping pong in China or a long diatribe in the latest book attack on Barack Obama or a long story about a "religious center" in China for the Beijing athletes, has it?

With the POST continuing to ignore the seemingly ceaseless tragedy in Iraq, it is no wonder that our troops feel little, if any, support from home. "Why are we here?" must be a constant refrain heard in the barracks. Gone, and they are forgotten.



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