Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Conjecture Is Reality

Turns out the hypothesis that a Hillary supporter, whom I believe is named Barbara Fields, who just happens to be on the speakers committee of the National Press Club, did indeed promote the appearance of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the Club this week.

Hhmmmmm, do you think it had anything to do with the primaries? With the nomination? Methinks I smell another rat in the midst! And there goes the National Press Club, splash!

CNN Reports Not on Hill

In the CNN "political ticker" ("political hot topics") of yesterday reported at 5:39 a.m.

Where was Hillary?

Of the 11 "top political stories from news organizations across the country" listed, the subject order went like this:

Three generic stories

Wheeeeeeeeerrrreeeeee's Hillary????

Is it true that

1. Jeremiah Wright is on the payroll of the Clinton campaign?

2. A Clinton staffer on the NPC program committee promoted Jeremiah Wright's appearance at the National Press Club?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Knock Knock! Is Anyone With a Brain at the DCCC?

What a ploy! Selling tickets the old fashioned way. Who is the highest bidder? Tickets at the highest price. Going once, going twice...

Does this fall under bribery? Have tickets been sold before? It's obviously only for the rich, and what about all those blue-collar down and outers in PA? Wonder how much $ they'll put in to go, but maybe RichKidHillaryWhoPretendsThatShe'sPoor will pay for them all herself. This is a raffle or maybe a lottery, and I believe that national lotteries are violations of federal laws. But then again, didn't Obama sell himself so a lucky person could have dinner with him?

They're asking a "handful of supporters"! What a joke! Is a "handful" a million+? "Grassroots supporters"? They have $50/day or week to toss in? WE are "grassroots supporters" and I ain't got money to throw away like this.

I am positively going to vomit right on top of this computer! "We've reserved a special place for you." OH, PULLEAZZZZZZEEEEEEE. What comedian put this together? Who okayed it? Those people have the brains of a pencil head and probably not as much.

All week the Democratic party has been chastized (by HRH, whoops, HRC (Her Royal Clinton)) for forgetting its "roots" , forgetting the "poor" and "blue collars". Consider how Obama has been criticized for catering to the wealthy. Consider the Shrill's yelling all week! And here comes the DCCC sashaying down the street doing the same thing. How hypocritical is this? If this doesn't sound like Fat Cat Republicans, I'd like to know what does. Meow, meow.

Dear Whatever Your Name Is,

This year's Democratic Convention will make history. Can you picture it... the Democratic energy... and the promise of a historic nominee who will at long last restore the promise of America's future... and you can be right there when it happens.

That's right, because of all you've done to support Democratic candidates, I am offering you a special chance as one of our top grassroots supporters to be there by entering our Make-It-By-May Convention Contest.

Here's what you do:

Step 1: Click here to contribute $50 or more before May 1st and you are officially entered to win tickets, flight and accommodations to this year's Democratic Convention (Sunday August 24th thru Thursday August 28th) in Denver, Colorado.

Step 2: Give again because every time you give $50 or more before May 1st -- you get another entry to win.

We're asking just a handful of our top grassroots supporters -- people like you who have gone online and taken action. We need you to step forward. And if you make a donation of $50 or more before May 1st you will receive an official entry to win tickets to this year's Democratic Convention, August 24th-August 28th in Denver, Colorado. Every time you match your last gift, you get another chance to win!

Enter our Make-It-By-May Convention Contest

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is at the heart of efforts to drive change forward by winning the White House and strengthening the Democratic majority in the House. Speaker Pelosi is serving as the chair of the Democratic Convention and she wants you to be there.

That's why we are reserving a special place at the Convention for you. All you have to do is enter our Make-It-By-May Campaign. With thousands of people acting over the next seven days, we'll have the resources to keep our 2008 victory plan on track. You have been a dedicated activist, but if you Make-It-By-May, we'll have the time-sensitive financial support needed to win the tightest, most highly-contested races of 2008. It's time to act.

Enter our Make-It-By-May Convention Contest

I'm looking forward to being at the Denver Convention come the end of August and Whatever Your Name Is, Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Chris Van Hollen and I want you to be there with us.

You've been there for our Party and its candidates before. You've shown real commitment with your activism. So, step up again and Make-It-By-May. Our candidates are really counting on you.

On to Denver,

Brian Wolff
DCCC Executive Director

P.S. Don't forget, you can't win if you don't enter. So, please, take part in our Make-It-By-May Convention Contest now.

Bill Clinton Gets Mad (Again)

In Wednesday's Wall Street Journal:

On Monday Bill Clinton said that Barack Obama pulled the "race card" in comments Bill Clinton made about the SC race. When a reporter queried Clinton on Tuesday about just exactly what he said, Clinton responded (paraphrasing): "I am not going to play your silly little game with you. You always follow me around. No, no, no; that's not what I said. I don't remember it. Go back to your notes and when you get a clear handle on it, then ask me. "

On Monday Clinton said the Obama campaign had twisted Clinton's remarks about Jesse Jackson for "political purposes" (surprise!) so that Clinton would be perceived as a race-baiter.

Robert Gibbs, Obama's communications director, responded: "Where we put the idea in his (Clinton's) head to say what he said so he can blame us for having said it? That would be pretty good if we could do that."

This Editor's note: As usual, the Clintons fail to remember what they said and what they did and what they didn't say and what they didn't do whenever it is convenient. Isn't this a trait of a pathological liar?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Deaths in Iraq Between Sen. Warner's Letters

The dates of Sen. Warner's identical responses to me are March 21, 2008 and April 14, 2008 (Two letters were received April 14, both identical, both with the same date, both the same as the March 21 letter.)

During this 3.5 week period 58 American soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan. What has changed? Nothing. Sen. Warner stated in his three identical letters: "I am pleased the President agreed with my comments (to reduce forces) , and that an initial reduction of forces is beginning." What reduction in forces is "beginning"? Is the press hiding a reduction in forces? Is he talking about the surge, then the slightly reduced surge? This is not a reduction in forces. Could it be Senator Warner's staff has failed to change his template?

In the fall of October, 2006 Senator Warner took another trip to Iraq.

Why do representatives do this? What does it accomplish other than to reinforce their own political positions so they can say to their constituents back home: "See me! Look at me! I went! Things are going great" or almost so.

Things were not going so great that fall, and the Washington Post quoted Senator Warner on October 6, 2006:

"Warner blamed the Iraqi leaders for failing to improve conditions. 'You do not see them taking the levers of sovereignty and pulling and pushing them and doing what is necessary to bring about a situation in Iraq whereby the people are able to live, have sufficient food and fresh water, and have a sense of confidence in their government that they're going forward,' Warner said.

"But he said the situation is not beyond repair. 'We're not going to give up hope yet. Let's give it more time to work.'"

Senator Warner, how long, how long, how long is time enough? While you sit in your Senate chambers and talk about giving more time to permit the Iraqi travesty to "work itself out" how many more will die? Be injured? Senator Warner, you have the power to change the direction this hellfire blows. Please do it. Or have you already retired and are just bidding your time while others far away die from the hands of the weak in Washington, D.C.?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Letters from Sen. John Warner

Two have arrived: Both with the same postmark date (April 14, 2008) and identical content to the March 21, 2008 letter Sen. Warner wrote me in response to letters I sent him about the tragedy in Iraq.

During the three weeks which have passed between the letters, how many of our soldiers have died and been maimed as a result of this travesty across the ocean?
Yet, Senator Warner's replies are the same. What has changed? Nothing. Not in the Senate halls, at least, and yet we keep pouring humans and money and equipment into the abscess known as Iraq. Isn't it time we got rid of the abscess and pulled out? How many Iraqis are begging us to get out?

Was it about 18 months ago in the fall of 2006 that Sen. Warner went to Iraq and upon returning, said something to the effect "We've got to change something over there. I'm just not putting up with it anymore." I'll research this and post his exact words from that last trip he made to Iraq and the aggravation he expressed. What aggravation? How does his compare to the "aggravation" endured by soldiers (if still living) and family members who suffer the ill effects of Senator Warner's and his colleagues' failure to act?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Five Gals

At dinner in Washington, D.C. Between the ages of 45 and 60. Older, white women. Hillary's "base".

One gave Hillary $500. The others? All Obama supporters. "He represents change!" said one. "Hillary forgot her base," said another. "We need to throw everyone out, and Obama can get us started." The ladies nodded in agreement while sharing and eating their Indonesian food.

"When I went to her campaign office to volunteer," said the Hillary donor, a financial whiz with political acumen, "I was appalled at the organization" causing her to rethink her support or so it seemed from the table conversation.

After she explicitly told the campaign she did not like making telephone calls or playing receptionist, and after waiting at Hillary's Arlington office a long time for assignment, she was greeted by a "16-year-old" who told her to make phone calls.

"I must hand it to Barack's campaign strategists," said one, "they are brilliant," and her dinner partners agreed.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Michael Yon Defines Success

Michael Yon wrote in yesterday's Wall Street Journal that the surge in Iraq has been a success. "Let's 'Surge' Some More" the headline said. Makes it sound like a dance, which it is: A Dance of Death, but who's counting?

With the number of military deaths down, does it matter who dies next? Let's keep on pluggin' away!

The surge has been so successful we seldom hear about the "success" from the media. Of course, the White House Bunny Rabbit with his hatful of tricks says it's astonishing what "success" we are having.

I guess the "good news" in Iraq is purposefully keep under wraps by all the other reporters save Yon who, coincidentally, has a new book out about Iraq.

The past 15 months has been so productive in Iraq that victory is "within our grasp" and democracy in the Arab world (like Egypt?) is just over the rainbow, he wrote.

Perhaps Mr. Yon can write another book with a copyright "2010" based on American attacks on Iran and shoving down its throat our method of government since it's "my way or the highway", right? Another author tour then to promote his latest fallacies and ideas, but who's counting besides Michael Yon?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Emily Abandons Hillary?

Does it not seem odd to you that the latest Emily's List mailing practically ignores Hillary Clinton? She's not mentioned in the letter of solicitation, not on the envelope, not on the bi-fold, but in the tri-fold, her name (not her picture) is found on the list of 90 current and past candidates.

Emily's List is trying to bake a cake and eat it, too!

Emily's List tries to be all things to all people, whoops, women,

Do you think Emily is trying to secure donations for its races with hidden faces? Ten candidates are pictured: Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Stabenow, Hilda Solis, Tammy Baldwin, Gwen Moore, Jennifer Granholm, Barbara Boxer, Jeanne Shaheen, Bev Perdue, and Donna Edwards. Wherrrrrrrre's Hillary?

Is it not sexist to promote "women only" candidates? What's wrong with this picture? Or this mailing? Or this campaign?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Letter from Senator Webb April 7, 2008

Alas, can you imagine? The same reply sent by Webb responding to an entirely different subject! How convenient.

I copied Sen. Webb on a letter I sent to Cong. Moran (in another post) about FISA, and here is some of what he said again:

Thank you for your recent electronic mail message to my office in Washington. I am pleased that because of the Internet, more than 100,000 Virginians will send their ideas directly to me this year.

Please be assured that your views are very helpful to me and my staff. As the Senate addresses crucial economic, domestic and foreign policy issues facing our nation, we will be sure to keep your comments and ideas in mind.

Blah, blah, blah, so what's new, Jim? Is your staff so lazy it can't even craft templates for different subjects? Lest I forget: You've only been in office 16 months. I guess that's not enough time to draft templates.

Letter from Senator Warner March 21, 2008

Alas, except for a few benign updates, Sen. Warner's reply to me about my letter decrying Halliburton's sewage showers our soldiers take in Iraq, is essentially nothing more than what Sen. Warner has been sending for approximately 18 months about all things Iraq which is a summary of his lukewarm opinions about our involvement there. He totally ignored the subject of my letter (in another post):
In January 2007, the President proposed a surge of approximately 35,000 troops....the Iraqi government has not done its part.

He writes it's time "to put teeth into these words" quoting U.S. Amb. Ryan Crocker: "There is 'no blank check' for American involvement in Iraq." (Oh, yeah?)

Then he lists his tenth trip to Iraq last August! Is this the same letter he was sending out then?

Although Senator Warner is dissatisfied with the long deployments our soldiers endure, "I believe we must remain mindful of the realities currently facing our military" so the heck with shortened leaves! The soldiers must stay so we'll be ready! Ready for what? For Buzh to invade Iran?

Sen. Webb's automated responses are all identical no matter what the subject. At least Warner sends his replies to my mailbox although, sadly, they are the same. Perhaps because he is retiring, his office perceives no need to respond individually.
I can't help but wonder: Are there any live bodies on Capitol Hill who actually represent the people rather than themselves? Pray tell, who?

Hillary Writes Again

Twice in a week!

The label on the envelope of the second letter says: The Time is Now! (The label on the first envelope from Hillary said: We're going all the way.)

Both, essentially the same letter: Please, please, please send money! "Because of your invaluable support" (I've never sent her a dime) "we embarked on an historic journey to renew America's promise and we are determined to win...Patricia, with so much on the line, will you commit...with a gift of $50? (The first letter asked for $100 or $50. In fundraising school, they teach you to solicit the most on the first ask, and then lower the amounts. Hillary's solicitors follow the norm.)

"...With so much at stake, I know that I can count on you." Then, like the first letter, it asks for bloggers, house party hosts, telephone canvassers, letter writers, voter registrars, or "anything" you can do.

The first letter ended: "When I'm in the White House, I promise to be there for you every day." Please. The lack of sincerity is revolting and continually damages Hillary's image which this finish reinforces.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

RE: I'm sure this went over real well

Right, but why waste their money when they can waste their supporters' money?

They personally have the $ to pay it.

Right, but she had close to $8 million in debt. It's not she can pay that overnight!

Well, has she paid the Iowa creditor she owed in Jan.? Did you read Novak?

HAHAHA, and this morning it was reveald that he raised $40 million last month! Shrill's campaign won't be releasing their figures until the end of the month. What does that tell you? There is great speculation that she may actually be operating in the red. Tomorrow, the tax returns are released. Dump day. But something tells me every reporter will be looking it over line by line.

I think his fuse is just a tad longer than McCain's. The heads last nt mentioned this meeting and his "meltdown".

Jason: The O "college tour" on Chris last nt was nothing more than a LOVEFEST, and it played on and on on Dan Abrams' show, too. You talk about "free advertising"! Baby, O done REALLLLLLLLL good last night! I got sick and tired of hearing the same tape played over and over and over and over and.....

SF Chronicle: B. Clinton Had “Meltdown” in Private Meeting With Superdelegates

Attendees tell the paper that at a meeting with about 15 supers before his speech in front of California state convention last weekend he went on a tirade about Richardson endorsing Obama, the media and entire nomination process.

“Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never do that,” a red-faced, finger-pointing Clinton erupted.

On superdelegate: “It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended.”

Earlier Letter Sent to Senators Warner + Webb

Dear Senator Warner (Webb),

If Halliburton is not poisoning our soldiers in Iraq with its sewage showers, it is electrocuting them.

No wonder Cheney wants the war to continue: He profits!

I hope you will join your colleague, Rep. Henry Waxman, in investigating the terrible deaths and illnesses our soldiers suffer while taking showers in Iraq. What words are there to adequately describe these tragedies and this incompetence? We're not talking about "only" illnesses, but deaths of our soldiers sent to a foreign country to fight for what?



Panel probes troops' electrocution deaths in Iraq Story Highlights

12 U.S. troops have been electrocuted in Iraq; one died in January while showering

Rep. Henry Waxman wants info from Pentagon on electric systems in Iraq

Pentagon says full investigation ordered into the electrocution deaths

U.S. company that maintains barracks being sued by family of soldier who died

Next Article in Politics »

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A U.S. House committee chairman has begun an investigation into the electrocutions of at least 12 service members in Iraq, including that of a Pittsburgh soldier killed in January by a jolt of electricity while showering.

U.S. troops in Iraq face an unexpected threat: electrocution by faulty wiring.

Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said Wednesday he has asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to hand over documents relating to the management of electrical systems at facilities in Iraq.

Staff Sgt. Ryan Maseth, 24, died January 2 of cardiac arrest after being electrocuted while showering at his barracks in Baghdad

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Letter Sent Apr. 1 to Congressman Moran

(With copies to Senators Warner and Webb)

Dear Congressman Moran,

I am happy to read that the U.S. House of Representatives has withstood pressure from the White House and the Senate to buckle under and allow immunity for the telephone companies as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Now that it recognizes its strong-arm tactics are indeed diluted, the White House, according to today's Wall Street Journal, will once again apply pressure on the House to accept its goal to excuse the phone companies from violating the law.

I am proud of the House and I certainly hope you and your colleagues (and perhaps even some Senate members!) will continue to be stalwart and ignore Bush and his cronies who represent Big Business, rather than the citizens of the United States, and who never quaver in their attempts to weaken our civil rights laws.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hillary's Plea: Mother, Can You Spare a Dime?

You know things are really bad when she sends ME a letter! Me, who has not contributed to her campaign but to many campaigns albeit in small doses.

Perhaps she pulled my name from female boomers knowing her numbers are better there than anywhere. Perhaps, from all donors to the Democratic party, but, alas, my pal Jason did not receive a letter.

Fare thee well, dear Hillary. You did it to yourself when you abandoned us, your base, for your wimpy, spineless "leadership" on Iraq for which I have not forgiven you nor have many others, and you have served to make your case worse by attacks on a young, energetic, handsome, visionary which you are not. Oh, you could have, would have been! Alas, it is over. You are ashes on the stage, exiting right.