Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NYT abandons American troop casualties in Afghanistan

Usually, when a news alert arrives from either the New York Times or the Washington Post, another arrives from the competitor within minutes.

Not so yesterday.

At 10:28 a.m. the Post sent an alert: Bombings kill 8 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan

When did the alert arrive from the NYT? Five and a half hours later when the Times put it in its lead in the 4 p.m. online edition.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Obama's Afghan policy affects Virginia governor's race

Why should we, the former impassioned, bother? After all we did last year to elect Barack Obama? When he continues the Bush policies in another country? Our vigor is gone, our enthusiasm, dimmed, by the wishy-washy administration policy of no change after all.

For what? To "defeat" the Taliban? Al-Qaeda? Cockroaches are infinite; they cannot be extinguished.

We continue pouring blood and money into a foreign nation a la Bush.

What change?

What next?



Mr. Deeds: Here is where many of your Northern Virginia voters are: misled, fed up, and disillusioned anew.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Letter from Sen. Mark Warner re: Afghanistan

What does this say other than he's taken a trip to Afghanistan? Absolutely nothing. A great example for p.r. classes in how to write meaningless letters with content of empty words.

Dear Ms. ____________,

Thank you for contacting me regarding additional troops in Afghanistan. I share your concerns about the need to resolve the conflicts throughout Afghanistan and improve the lives of those living in that region of the world.

This is a very complicated and important issue. Last spring, I traveled to Afghanistan to get a first-hand look at operations on the ground. While in Afghanistan, I received several briefings from our top military and diplomatic leadership. I also conducted a site visit at the Kabul Military Training Center where our U.S. forces are working hard to train the Afghan troops. In addition, I traveled to Kandahar and met with Virginia troops and the US and Allied Commanders to get an accurate assessment of the situation.

In the coming weeks our military and civilian leadership will review our strategy and consider the resources required to ensure we have the most effective policies for Afghanistan, and the right equipment and training to protect our troops. I will continue to keep your thoughts in mind as the situation unfolds.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me with your views. As we move forward with the 111th Congress, please continue to be in touch with your opinions and concerns.

United States Senator