Dear Justice Ginsburg,
Please forgive my brazen request, but would you, please, consider retiring in the next few months? The reason I ask is that there is general agreement that President Obama will lose next year (Afghanistan and the economy (too late to turn around)), and we certainly don't want a Republican president appointing another Alito, Roberts, Thomas, or Scalia to the U.S. Supreme Court, please!
If you announce your retirement soon, there will be enough time for the president to nominate your replacement and get him or her confirmed before the president retires on January 20, 2013. However, if you promise you will stay on the bench through 2020 (the next president may win two terms), all this is for naught, and we don't have anything to worry about! (Well, at least not as much.)
With sincere gratitude for your well served tenure,
P.S. In the U.S. Supreme Court photo taken by Steve Petteway last October, according to Wikimedia Commons, are, from left, retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Elena Kagan